
How To Get The City To Increase After School Programs


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Children spend approximately 25 percentage of their waking hours in schoolhouse, and policy leaders are often striving to provide more than learning opportunities through afterschool programs.

Broadly defined, afterschool programs (sometimes called OST or Out-of-Schoolhouse Time Programs) are school or community-based programs that offer academic and enrichment activities in the hours that follow the school twenty-four hours. These programs serve children of all ages and include academic support, workforce development opportunities, mentoring relationships, and more than. Every bit shown below, these programs are funded and supported legislatively in a variety of ways.

What the Research Says

Research shows that high-quality afterschool programs improve students' educational outcomes, school attendance, and social and emotional learning. Afterschool Brotherhood claims that quality afterschool programs understand that children and youth in dissimilar age groups vary in academic, psychological, and concrete activity needs. Consequent participation in afterschool programs has shown lower dropout rates and has helped close achievement gaps for low-income students. For older youth, regular participation in an afterschool program may also reduce risky behaviors and help them gain college and career-needed skills.

Afterschool programming has been shown to improve social and bookish outcomes for students, however, research points to sure key elements for success. To fully realize all the positives of afterschool programming, students must receive a regular dosage, adequately trained staff, and high-quality programming. Since 2004, Afterschool Alliance has provided the most comprehensive national and state-specific account of how children and youth spend their afterschool hours. In their 2020 America After 3PM written report, one of the biggest takeaways is the continued need for afterschool programs. According to their inquiry, for every child enrolled, three are waiting to become into a program. That equates to roughly 25 million children who are unable to admission afterschool programs. The barriers cited are programme toll, availability, and transportation or accessibility.

Funding for Afterschool

The Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) program, the simply dedicated federal funding stream, is available specifically for local afterschool, before-schoolhouse, and summer learning programs. Through land education-awarded grants, this plan currently serves nearly two million youths. Inquiry shows that several barriers to admission afterschool programming exist, and funding continues to exist i of those. Cost and access continue to be barriers to participation in afterschool programs, with about 3 in 5 parents citing this the reason they did not enroll their child in a programme. As federal funding has not kept up with inflation, the 21st CCLC funding level is now $10 million lower in inflation-adjusted terms since 2022. Thus, leaving the brunt of funding such programs falls on states, communities, and families. Support for engaging and enriching afterschool programs reached its highest level in America After 3PM history in 2022 in, with 87 percent bipartisan parent support of public funding for programs that provide afterschool opportunities to students in communities that have few opportunities for children and youth. However, allocating additional funding for afterschool can be hard with tight state budgets.

Currently, twelve states allocate funds dedicated to afterschool programs. An additional xi states fund initiatives that include afterschool programs equally an allowable use. Other states tap into other funds to support afterschool. For example, grant programs in Tennessee and Nebraska receive a portion of their state lottery profits. Missouri is currently considering similar legislation for their unclaimed lottery prizes. Others receive funds from state departments of education or social services.

The pandemic has brought funding barriers to the forefront. According to the Hunt Establish's tracker at least 17 states have allocated COVID relief funds to afterschool and summertime programs and then far. Withal, a recent survey has cited that 61 percent of afterschool programs have reported high levels of concern effectually permanent closure.

Afterschool Policy

States' efforts to support afterschool include focusing policy and funding on sure populations (e.thou. at-risk or older youth) or outcome areas (due east.g. STEM). Other states have taken steps to collect information the afterschool landscape within their state to inform time to come policy and funding opportunities.

Session 2022 Legislative Summary

Equally COVID-xix changed the landscape of work and life, state legislatures faced many challenges. Legislatures had to suspend sessions, limit access to country capitols, and explore alternatives to physical meetings, while abiding to the legislative constraints. By legislative trends around afterschool revolved around creating councils and taskforces to provide research, expand the costless and reduced lunch to include snacks during afterschool, and provide additional funding allocated for afterschool programming.

During the pandemic, many states began to look at reopening schools in the fall of 2022 and how to help students take hold of up and keep up. Afterschool and summer programs were increasing recognized for their  role in mitigating learning loss.

Throughout a typical twelvemonth, learning loss is of business due to prolonged periods of out-of-school time; even so, 2022 has exacerbated these concerns. Research shows that quality afterschool programs tin narrow the math gap experienced in M-five learning. Additionally, this meta-analysis indicates that students can await gains in multiple areas including improved attendance, positive social behaviors, and test scores if they attend high-quality afterschool programs. New Jersey is considering legislation to establish the Alleviating Learning Loss Grant Program. This aims to help public schools in establishing or expanding sure educational programs to address learning loss in students.

One approach several states have taken to boost student learning is utilizing state and federal funding to back up summertime and afterschool programs. The federal Coronavirus Assist, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, signed into law on March 27, which includes $thirteen.5 billion to the Elementary and Secondary Didactics Relief (ESSER) Fund and $3 billion to the Governors Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund. Alabama has allocated $nine million in GEER funds to support intensive before and afterwards school tutoring to help gainsay learning loss. Vermont devoted $6 1000000 for schoolhouse-age providers to use for afterschool programs. These 2 examples of funding were used to accost pandemic challenges and play a role in the long-term recovery.

Following the CARES Deed, Congress passed the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022 (CRRSA) on December 27th, 2022. This provided an additional $54.3 billion to the ESSER Fund and $i.3 billion to the GEER Fund.

Additional Afterschool Policy Areas

The following examples provide a snapshot of legislation and is not exhaustive.

Additional Afterschool Policy Areas



At-Risk Youth

Afterschool programs provide a safe space for youth during the hours when many are unsupervised and participation in risky behaviors is specially prevalent. In some states, programs targeting at-run a risk youth may receive special funding.

  • Illinois Teen Attain
  • New York Empire State Afterschool Program

Councils or task forces accept been established past legislatures in at least 16 states. These groups typically convene for a specified amount of time, are comprised of country agency representatives, community stakeholders and oftentimes times state legislators, and are tasked with collecting information on the state'due south afterschool and/or summer learning landscape and making policy recommendations to the legislature.

  • Rhode Island
  • Indiana
  • Delaware
  • Texas
  • Massachusetts
  • Washington

Since 2022, with support from the Charles Due south. Mott Foundation, NCSL has worked with 39 states on information grant projects. NCSL has provided technical assistance to statewide afterschool networks as they nerveless new and compiled exisiting state-specific afterschool and summer learning information, and shared this data with state legislators and other primal stakeholders via written reports and/or information release events. Many grantees have gathered information on afterschool programs and gaps in access to afterschool, while others have conducted afterschool render on investment studies. Links to data reports or mapping tools, when applicable, are included below.

  • Alabama
  • Alaska
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Idaho
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Iowa
  • Kansas
  • Kentucky
  • Massachusetts
  • Minnesota
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • Nebraska
  • New Hampshire
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • New York
  • Due north Carolina
  • Due north Dakota
  • Ohio
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • Due south Carolina
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • Washington
  • Wisconsin

Students that attend high-quality afterschool programs with STEM programming have shown increased STEM knowledge and skills and a higher likelihood of graduating and pursuing a Stalk career. They have also shown to be constructive in engaging student populations that are underrepresented in the Stem field, particularly girls and minority students. Additionally, afterschool Stem programs allow for partnerships amid schools and the community including colleges and universities, museums, scientific discipline centers, federal scientific discipline agencies and businesses.

  • Maryland HB 115 (2016)
    • Establishes the Robotics Grant Programme to provide $five.25M (FY2018) in grants to public schools and nonprofit robotics clubs to support existing robotics programs and increase the number of robotics programs in the state.
  • Oregon HB 2258 (2017)
    • Expands types of entities that may receive funding for certain activities related to Stalk education and to career and technical education to include nonprofit organizations promoting pupil leadership and youth job evolution.

Boosted Resources

NCSL Resource

  • Stability and Alter in Afterschool Systems, 2022-2020: A Follow-Up Study of Afterschool Coordination in Large Cities (Wallace, 2022)
  • The Partnerships for Social and Emotional Learning Podcast ( Wallace Podcast, 2022)
  • New Afterschool Report Shows Both Need and Barriers to Access Accept Grown (2020)
  • Recent NCSL Meeting Highlights Value of Afterschool Programs (2020)
  • COVID-19 Recovery: Leveraging Afterschool and Summer to Help Students Take hold of Up, Proceed Upwards (2020)
  • Webinar Blog: Contempo NCSL Meeting Highlights Value of Afterschool Programs (2020)
  • LegisBrief: Country and Federal Investments in Afterschool Programs (2019)
  • Policy Brief: A Snapshot of Rural Afterschool (2019)
  • LegisBrief: Quality Afterschool Programs Maximize Positive Outcomes (2018)
  • Webinar: Afterschool Plan Quality - What States Are Doing to Bulldoze Quality Forward (2018)
  • ABC'due south of Afterschool podcast  (2017)
  • LegisBrief: Boosting Social and Emotional Development In and Out of School (2017)
  • LegisBrief: Stem and Afterschool (2014)
  • ELO Research Policy and Practice
    • Families and Expanded Learning Opportunities: Working Together to Support Children'south Learning (2012)
    • Year-Round Learning: Continuity in Education Beyond Settings and Fourth dimension Through Expanded Learning Opportunities (2012)
    • Helping Older Youth Succeed Through Expanded Learning Opportunities (2011)

Other Resources

  • America Later 3PM (Afterschool Brotherhood, 2022)
  • Recognizing the Office of Afterschool and Summer Programs in Reopening and Rebuilding (American Institutes for Research, 2022)
  • The Science of Learning and Development in Afterschool Settings (American Institutes for Enquiry, 2022)
  • Understanding Key Elements, Processes, and Outcomes of Expanded Learning Systems: A Review of the Literature (American Institutes for Inquiry, 2022)
  • Expanding Minds and Opportunities: Leveraging the Power of afterschool and Summer Learning for Student Success (Expanded Learning, 2022)
  • The Value of Out-of-Schoolhouse Time Programs (Wallace Foundation, 2022)
  • Afterschool Alliance
  • American Institutes for Research: Afterschool and Expanded Learning
  • American Youth Policy Forum
  • National Afterschool Clan
  • National Institute of Out of Schoolhouse Time
  • National League of Cities: Expanded Learning
  • Statewide Afterschool Networks
  • STEM Set up America
  • Wallace Foundation

How To Get The City To Increase After School Programs,


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